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Glen Celtic America FC

Glen Celtic America FC


Glen Celtic America FC was started in 2017, we provide soccer instruction to all ages ranging from 6 to 19 years old. We are located in the CT Northeast District and have players from Coventry, Mansfield, Bolton, Tolland Andover, Ashford, Putnam to name a few.
We are a Premier club sanctioned and approved by Ct Junior Soccer Association (CJSA). Our home outdoor fields is Laidlaw Park in Coventry, our indoor Futsal and practice facility is located at the Evangelical Christian Center in Ashford.
We are our own entity and are not associated with any other Premier club in the area, we do support local town soccer programs.
I am passionate about the game and started Glen Celtic in order to provide an affordable premier learning program for the youth in our local communities. I have seen down through the years, what the sport can do for kids and young adults and the positive impact it has on their lives. All 3 of my kids played soccer and the relationship we have because of the sport is unmeasurable. 
We also continue to support the CT Children's Medical Foundation which is an organization near and dear to my heart.

John Gannon -
President & Director of Coaching

The meaning of our logo - The Celtic Five Fold Symbol

The five Fold Christian Symbol is also know as the Borromean Cross.

It is arranged with 4 outer rings and joined with 1 central ring.
The 4 outer rings represents North, South, East and West with the central 5th ring representing Unity.
The Shamrock represents the Christian Holy Trinity but also a national symbol of Ireland.
The Red stripes and black outer circle represent our Club uniform colors.

Our logo represents our membership from all parts of the state, North, South, East and West unified under one banner based on Christian values and beliefs.


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